Young Investigator Committee
The mission of ASTDA is to foster scientific knowledge, develop leadership, and champion practice in the field of sexually transmitted infections. One of the organization’s main objectives is to develop the current and future generations of STI professionals. As part of this objective, our mandate is to create opportunities that help promote young investigators in the field. At ISSTDR 2023, the Young Investigator Committee is tasked with developing educational sessions targeting young investigators, populating a plenary session that highlights the scientific work of these young investigators, and identifying those young investigators whose poster and oral presentations are deserving of broader recognition.

Kevin Ard

Teresa Batteiger

Caroline Cameron

Charlotte Gaydos

Khalil Ghanem

Matthew Hamill

Jane Hocking

Candice Joy McNeil

Johan Melendez

Angelica Espinosa Miranda

Bill Miller

Jessica Morgan

Preeti Pathela

Meena Ramchandani

Kees Rietmeijer

Olusegun O. (SO) Soge

Lizzi Torrone

Susan Tuddenham

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