What is your big, creative idea to decrease STDs? The STI & HIV 2023 World Congress is organizing a series of participatory events to inspire collaboration, inclusion, networking, and thinking outside the box. The process is called a designathon, a multi-step participatory process that includes an open call, a focused period of in-person cooperation, and recognition (Figure). We will organize four groups that are focused on experienced researchers, early career researchers, people who received ISSTDR travel awards, and community members. Lists of these individuals will be invited to participate in respective tracts. Each group will be convened by co-chairs responsible for meeting by videoconference prior to the meeting and structuring a process to identify great ideas from people within their group. Each group is responsible for developing a three-minute pitch (oral presentation) that focuses on three actionable things to improve sexual health and reduce global STD burden. Selected people from each group will present to the entire World Congress on the final day. More details about designathons and why should consider joining us can be found in the brief video here. If you are joining the conference and interested in participating, please contact the Chair or Co-Chairs directly.
Silver Group (focus on people with at least 10 years of STD research/program experience); Co-Chairs: Drs. Ned Hook (ehook@uab.edu), Joe Tucker (jdtucker@med.unc.edu)
Early Career Research Group (focus on researcherswithin 10 years of a degree or finishing up); Co-Chairs: Drs. Matt Gravett (rgravett@uabmc.edu), Chido Chikwari (Chido.DzivaChikwari@lshtm.ac.uk)
Traveller Group (focus on people who received travel awards and others from low and middle-income countries); Co-Chairs: Drs. Chelsea Morroni (chelseaamorroni@gmail.com), Weiming Tang (weiming_tang@med.unc.edu)
Community Group (focus on people with lived experiences of STI/HIV or are part of the sexual health community); Co-Chairs: Dr. Rayner Tan (rayner.tan@u.nus.edu), Steph Niaupari (steph.niaupari@grindr.com

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